Collocates Graph
Collocates Graph represents keywords and terms that occur in close proximity as a force directed network graph.
Corpus Collocates
Corpus Collocates is a table view of which terms appear more frequently in proximity to keywords across the entire corpus.
The Contexts (or Keywords in Context) tool shows each occurrence of a keyword with a bit of surrounding text (the context).
The Correlations tool enables an exploration of the extent to which term frequencies vary in sync (terms whose frequencies rise and fall together or inversely).
The Documents tool shows a table of the documents in the corpus and includes functionality for modifying the corpus.
Knots is a creative visualization that represents terms in a single document as a series of twisted lines.
Mandala is a conceptual visualization that shows the relationships between terms and documents.
The Phrases tool shows repeating sequences of words organized by frequency of repetition or number of words in each repeated phrase.
The Reader tool provides a way of reading documents in the corpus, text is fetched on-demand as needed.
ScatterPlot is a graph visualization of how words cluster in a corpus using document similarity, correspondence analysis or principal component analysis.
StreamGraph is a visualization that depicts the change of the frequency of words in a corpus (or within a single document).
The Summary provides a simple, textual overview of the current corpus, including including information about words and documents.
TextualArc is a visualization of the terms in a document that includes a weighted centroid of terms and an arc that follows the terms in document order.
The Topics tool provides a rudimentary way of generating term clusters from a document or corpus and then seeing how each topic (term cluster) is distributed across the document or corpus.
Trends shows a line graph depicting the distribution of a word’s occurrence across a corpus or document.
Veliza is an experimental tool for having a (limited) natural language exchange (in English) based on your corpus.