The Documents tool shows a table of the documents in the corpus and includes functionality for modifying the corpus.
Use it with a Jane Austen corpus or with your own corpus.
The table view shows the following columns by default:
- Title: the document's title (or its filename if no better title was found)
- Words: the number of individual words (tokens) found in the document (e.g. each occurrence of "the" is counted)
- Types: the number of word forms found in the document (e.g. all occurrences of "the" are counted as one word form)
- Ratio: the ratio of types to tokens (types/tokens), expressed as a percentage – higher numbers generally mean greater vocabulary diversity
- Words/Sentence: an approximation of the average number of words per sentence (words tokens / sentences count); the way that sentences are calculated should be considered very approximate, especially because of complications with abbreviations and other uses of punctuation (parsing of sentences is performed by Java's BreakIterator class, and also depends on accurate language detection)
Additional columns can be shown:
- Author: the document's author (if it can be determined)
- Language: the document's language (if it can be guessed)
By default, documents are shown in the order they exist in the corpus.
You can filter documents by typing a query into the search box and hitting enter (see Search for more advanced searching capabilities). Note that by default the query includes the full-text, the title and the author. You can use the author or title prefix to only look at one of those metadata fields (e.g. title:love).
You can modify a corpus by clicking on the Modify button – see more information about Modifying a Corpus.
To use Documents in Spyral you can use the following code as a starting point. Modify the config object to modify the visualization.
let config = {
"columns": null,
"dir": null,
"docId": null,
"docIndex": null,
"query": null,
"sort": null,
loadCorpus("austen").tool("documents", config);
Please see Tools.Documents for more information about configuration.
Additional Information
The type/token Ratio value can be a useful way of expressing vocabulary richness, but the value is somewhat sensitve to document length and should be considered with circumspection. A more reliable way of measuring vocabulary richness is to average the type/token ratios from equally long segments in a text (e.g. the mean of type/token ratios for each 1,000 word segment in the text).
We hope to soon offer functionality for users to edit or customize the metadata for documents, allowing you to edit the author or title, for instance. In the meantime, these metadata are defined during Creating a Corpus.