Terms Radio

TermsRadio is a visualization that depicts the change of the frequency of words in a corpus (or within a single document).

Use it with a Jane Austen corpus or with your own corpus.


TermsRadio is intended to be used with a corpus that contain several documents and where the order of the documents is meaningful (such as chronological order); it can also be used with a single document that gets automatically segmented. It's designed to animate change over time by scrolling through the corpus with a selected window of documents (the number of documents visible at once).

TermsRadio has several features contained in two main components:

  • top navigation
    • a legend of terms that are currently selected (or selected by default), you can toggle selection by clicking on the terms in the legend
    • an overview of the entire corpus with lines showing frequency trends for each selected words
    • a white window that shows the currently visible documents in the main graph
  • main graph
    • each document is represented in a vertical column with top frequency terms plotted
    • you can select terms by clicking on them (hovering over terms will indicate which one will be selected)
    • the bottom x axis displays the document titles
    • the left y axis displays the relative document frequencies
    • the lines show the trends of the term frequencies for the visible documents
TermsRadio with the Works of Jane Austen. You can also use TermsRadio with your own corpus.


You can control the "play" of TermsRadio with the Back, Pause, Forward and Reset buttons.

Additional controls:

  • Scroll Duration: the number of milliseconds to take to scroll across available documents or document segments
  • Word Display: the total number of possible different words to use (i.e. not per document or per segment but in total)
  • Segements: when in single document mode, the number of segments to use for the document
  • Visible Segments: the number of segments to show in the main graph (the "window")
  • Search: add more terms to the graph


To use TermsRadio widget in Spyral you can use the following code as a starting point. Modify the config object to modify the visualization.

let config = {
	"bins": 5,
	"limit": null,
	"query": null,
	"slider": null,
	"speed": null,
	"stopList": null,
	"visibleBins": null,
	"yAxisScale": null

loadCorpus("austen").tool("termsradio", config);

Please see Tools.TermsRadio for more information about configuration.

See Also