
Several Voyant Tools display results in a grid or table. Although the exact appearance of tables will change according to the tool, several interface elements are common.

  • most tools allow for row selection: select a row by clicking on it, select multiple rows by using the Shift or Ctrl/Command key
  • selected rows should persist even when querying for additional data
  • hover over the column header to get a short description of the column values
  • some columns allow you to sort values by that column by clicking on it (and clicking again to reverse the order)
  • hovering over most column headers will cause an arrow to appear in the right part of the column header, click on it for further options:
    • another way of sorting
    • a way of selecting additional columns to display
  • most columns can be reordered by dragging and dropping the column headers


Most grids have "infinite" scrolling, which means that more rows will be loaded dynamically as needed (as you scroll, if applicable).

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