
Knots is a creative visualization that represents terms in a single document as a series of twisted lines. Each occurrence of a term is represented by a bend in the line, so the more twisted a line, the more a term repeats and straight stretches represent no occurrences.

Use it with a Jane Austen corpus or with [your own corpus](a href="../? view=Knots).

By default Knots represents the most common terms in the first document of a corpus.

Knots with the Works of Jane Austen. You can also use Knots with your own corpus.

Adding Terms

Terms can be added though the Search box (type a term and hit enter). If a term doesn't appear in the document.

Removing & Hiding Terms

You can click on the terms at the top (the legend) to select terms to hide or remove.

Selecting a Document

Currently Knots can only represent terms in a single document. You can select a document from the Documents button in the bottom toolbar.


There are three sliders that help fine-tune the visualization. The sliders remain visible so that you can play with the settings (click elsewhere to dismiss the options).

  • speed: how fast the knots are composed, from a half-second delay per step (lowest value) to no delay per step (highest value)
  • start angle: each line will originate from this angle (0° is to the right, 90° toward the bottom, etc. up to 360°)
  • turn angle: the angle to turn for each occurrence encountered, from 0° to 90°

You can also select the Stopwords (words to ignore) from the top options menu, as well as edit the colour Palette.


To use Knots in Spyral you can use the following code as a starting point. Modify the config object to modify the visualization.

let config = {
    "audio": false,
    "docId": null,
    "query": null,
    "stopList": "auto"

loadCorpus("austen").tool("knots", config);

Please see Tools.Knots for more information about configuration.

See Also